
A songster of melancholic thoughts

This is a dark cabaret/Gothic/Avant Guard/Minimal music project that was born in the city of “fallen Angels”(LA, CALI) around 2011. I currently live in Colombia which is not the land of the free but it is a pretty crazy and inspiring place. It is my intention to dive into the depths of human nature where our shadow lies within, inviting us to face our fears and demons to be able to embrace our light. The notion of “claro-oscuro” that we can observe in painters such as Goya or Rembrant, seen from a philosophical perspective, tells us that out of darkness comes light. I like to play around this idea. I like to think of darkness not as something negative but a sense of the profound. The theatrical aspect of my project comes merely from the experience of our own human drama. Perhaps the one that we’ve created.

nonetheless I consider this journey to be very intimate and reflective.

The themes of my songs revolve around the concept of death, the portrayal of broken, lunatic and dislocated characters, the tragic beauty of melancholic thoughts. So far I have two studio albums streaming on all platforms and I am currently working on a third one that I hope to share with you sooner than later. The first one titled “I am a witch” and the latest but not the last is titled “The crow in the hat”.

I’ve played my music in theaters, important auditoriums, art galleries, bars and all sorts of different venues for this matter, and also participated in festivals all around Colombia. I’ve also played my music in Los Angeles and I recently toured in Mexico and really enjoyed playing in a big festival in celebration of “dia de los muertos” in Oaxaca. 


En 2017 se presenta en festivales como FICCI de Cartagena y Diverciudad Bogotá, en octubre lanza su primer disco “I Am A Witch”.


Lanza el videoclip animado “Sonámbula” que participa en el Bogotá Music Video Fest


Lanza el video oficial “Trail of trees”en Zona L Galería y abre show para Maquiavelia y Stockhaussen (México).


Lanza el videoclip Children Of London y en agosto el álbum The Crow In The Hat (que incluye theremin, violín y violonchelo) en el Museo Nacional de Colombia. En Octubre del mismo año realiza un evento de Romanticismo Gótico en el Auditorio Fabio Lozano y posteriormente realiza una gira por México donde se presenta en varios eventos con ocasion de la celebración de “día de muertos”.

The artist's purpose is to delve into the depths of the human being where our deepest fears lie, in order to write songs that remind us of the fragility of our human existence.